28 December 2012

Contents list

Below is the www.waysofloving.com contents list.  Some of the many weird and wonderful things I didn't use are on the scratchings page.  You can also view all the wonders on the Ways Of Loving map.

Week 1: Cosmic Zoom
Week 2: Danny MacAskill
Week 5: Running
Week 6: Slug sex
Week 7: Baaba Maal
Week 9: Hospitality
Week 11: Ant-counting
Week 12: Krump
Week 13: Žižek
Week 14: Murmuration
Week 15: Northern lights
Week 18: Virtuosity
Week 19: Protest
Week 20: Trains
Week 22: Igloo
Week 23: Ice dance
Week 24: Love in old age
Week 25: Spirals
Week 26: Black holes
Week 27: Moonwalk
Week 28: Bees
Week 29: Swimming
Week 30: Opposable thumbs
Week 31: Symphony
Week 32: Samuel Plimsoll
Week 33: Metaphor
Week 35: Lindy hop
Week 37: The bicycle
Week 38: James Holman
Week 42: Soil
Week 43: Smiles
Week 45: Being in love
Week 46: Maps
Week 48: Bird migrations
Week 49: Hunting
Week 50: Love and wonder
Week 51: Growing food


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