31 December 2011

Week 2: ‘It’s gonna be cool’

Wonder spawned in: 2010
Wondered into being by: Danny MacAskill
Wonderspan: 8 min
To experience this wonder at its best: Click on the full screen icon and make sure you can hear the sound.

Here’s a man who can ride a bicycle along a wall…. the side of one.  And in this film his fellow wonders – the bicycle and the Scottish hills – are proud to co-star.

From the YouTube comments:
  • ‘And on the eighth day God created Danny.’
  • ‘I hate it when people compare Danny MacAskill and God.  I mean c'mon he's good and all... but he's just no Danny MacAskill.’
But can he mend a puncture?  Joanna W, who proposed this wonder, says it doesn’t matter.  Here he is (with apologies for the dreadful advert at the beginning):
Click below to leave a comment or share a wonder of your own.  Go on, brighten us all up.


  1. That was incredible, thanks for sharing it :)

  2. UNBEATABLE!! He has not only cheered up a January Monday morning but has actually made the sun come out. Yes the sun - it hasn't been seen here for weeks! THAT, my friends, is the glorious power of Danny MacAskill.

  3. Wow - this really is incredible. Amazing, and beautiful, stuff. I've watched it twice already. (And it makes me see my ability to cycle no- handed in a different and slightly less glorious light).


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